Hello from tonight's stream.
The artwork and UI look fantastic. I love the visual design of this game.
However, I may be in a minority that has no idea what's going on.
Don't get me wrong, I get that the battles are playing Tetris. What I don't get is everything outside of Tetris. So I did the tutorial, I know you're supposed to move around and you can collect stuff and recruit soldiers and so on and so on... but why are we doing this? What is it that I'm trying to do as the player overall? It felt like all I was doing was going randomly around to "fight stuff" then I just play Tetris with some five block pieces added in. I didn't pay attention to what was going on in the fights. I just kept playing Tetris until I won.
Did I just miss something obvious?
Beyond this, my own criticism would be that the battle music gets repetitive. Some changes in song would be nice.