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(4 edits)

Played the latest version. It was going to be a small review but then I played a bunch more times so it ended up being a full post:

The overall theme is great, has a lot of character. It's pretty clear what everthing does after you've played a bit, I wouldn't need a tutorial (though I'm sure some casuals would).

I can see some value in diversifying a build but also there's fun to be had making builds for each individual type or for particular items so that's good. The enemies that are themed about what they do have the best designs. The Leprechaun's mechanics are also pretty interesting, it seems there'd be a way to beat him with every type of build (I assume he'll be nerfed in the future since he adds too many chips-bribes way too fast, or else moved to a non-first-stage area)

As far as my experience goes, my first run I went to the boss and got bodied so I went for a green build on my second run (cactus, my love) and on the third I went for block items like ace of spades / retaliate. Both times I died to elite enemies because I engaged with my health too low. Most of my frustration then is from me making stupid decisions like fighting the "hit for really big damage, once" guy with a retaliate build (and I never rolled taunt). Even if I already know what the enemy does, if the enemy's description (before fight, hovering over them) showed one or two of their attacks/actions or just the first action they'll do in a fight it might jog my brain's autopilot to say "hey, don't fight that guy on low health". Fourth run, tried purple tiles but they almost never came up and certainly the 7s never matched, it's tricky since you don't start out with any purples.  Fifth run I did all attack and while it was very strong, I got too many poor rolls on the leprechaun early on and couldn't take him out fast enough, plus pachinko gave me Midas Touch which may be the single thing that made me lose.

What I find weird is I had a ton of excess health on the first run and so avocados seemed overpowered. On my 2nd/3rd/4th runs after that I always ended up really low, despite having more experience or better builds. I believe that problem is because the game is extremely inconsistent in how much health it gives you, sometimes you'll get very little and sometimes (like my first run) it'll shower you in it right from the start.

Pinball minigame feels pretty unfair and it's especially awkward that you can't see the whole thing and often it feels like the pinball just shoots straight into the middle with no chance to even hit the ball. Pachinko seems bugged, trying to get rid of the message drops the ball in the middle and you don't seem to have any control at all.

I certainly prefer having some small input over it being an autobattler. Feels like the first reel should be ~15% slower but the speed it's at now is good for if you slow down yourself and observe the pattern on the first reel. Maybe it is better at this speed after all, I can't decide.

Are you supposed to be able to get negative block from Midas touch even if you have no block? Pretty sure I saw "-5" on block.

Edit: Beat the leprechaun.

Bonus: It is very possible to beat leprechaun with purple tiles but you need to be lucky and get broken items (I guess any build works if you get broken items). 7s with rusted gear and good timing allows you to easily one-shot everything you come across, as long as you don't have too many items. In fact, all three 7s appear often enough even when you have a ton of yellow tokens from the leprechaun. I only lined it up once this fight but I had 3-4 chances, I just kept whiffing them due to bad skill. Without the rusted gear, I also had a run where I had 4x 7s and they never lined up, except once against a character that was about to die. It's weird that 7s are absolutely atrocious wastes of space but if you have even 1x 7s with the rusted gear it's kinda nuts. As for winning with other purple tokens... Yeah, all the others I've seen are too awkward to work.

Hi! Thanks for playing and the detailed feedback. 

Leprechaun - yes, will either get nerfed or be a stage 2 boss. There will be more boss options in the future so he might also sometimes be replaced

Brief enemy descriptions on the map are a great idea which I'll probably implement.

I agree that health drops are inconsistent, one of my items on to-do is evening out the money/health distribution on the world map.

Not sure about Pachinko being bugged, there isn't really meant to be a way to get rid of the message without starting the game. I'll check it out, maybe spacebar starts the ball and I forgot to remove that?

Yes, negative block is intentional, but it's a bit weird - it increases damage taken, but then only lowers itself by the initial instance of damage, so if you have -5 block, the enemy that hits for 1 three times will hit you for 6, then 5, then 4. This whole thing might go away later because Midas Touch is the only thing that can cause this and it's pretty garbage so it will likely get changed entirely

Also agreed on purple being really hard to match, I might buff them into outer space to compensate

(1 edit)

I realize now pachinko isn't bugged so much as it looks as if the message is covering the pegs at the top and makes you click to try and get rid of the message. For enemy descriptions, all of the enemies can be described accurately without descriptive text just by seeing two of their attacks, do whatever looks neat though.

I do have one last thing I didn't mention since it isn't a problem, but it's something that'd improve readability: you can't tell at a glance what an enemy will do. A) enemy retaliate is important, but it's on the far right side of the screen, it could use an effect like Shell has over the player. B) all enemy actions look identical in color and size whether it's "Do Nothing" or "Attack 10 times". C) for an enemy like Jack, they have a vulnerable turn and a strong turn, it'd be on theme if their attack "flipped them around" to face the other way for their vulnerable turn like how jacks on playing cards have a face for both directions.

Sorry for being so verbose about it, I'm looking forward to playing more in the future!