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Ok, I've been replaying this game regularly, trying to beat it and I got to the moment where the level stopped scrolling and the same enemies kept spawning endlessly, so I guess I could say I beat the game. Unfortunately, I didn't get to enjoy all the cool upgrades I got cause the game shit the bed and performance went down the drain(2-5 fps), and eventually it just crashed.

I didn't get this far due to my skill, though, but purely because the game provided me with good upgrades(staff + damage boost + father's mask) early on, cause often you will not get the staff before the waves of rats spawn and they can easily halve your health and sometimes you never get the chance to receive father's mask, so you can't even outrun the enemies in the later waves, and you're screwed. Some upgrades are garbage(alluring bone, poison, increased firerate for auto-firing weapons, why is there even a distinction auto-fire/non-auto-fire?), while some seem to not be working at all(temporary invincibility on damage, health on killing mini-bosses). 

Also when you're firing a lot of bullets and there's tons of orbs lying on the ground, you tend to lose the player sprite, and that's annoying.

I'm not gonna complain about the scrolling which causes the orbs to disappear before you manage to grab them, cause I guess that was the point, but there's also no tactics to minimize this. Sure, you could get the enemies into one bunch pull them to the top of the screen and kill them, but if you don't have a speed upgrade, you won't manage to get all the orbs.