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What the hell, I knew about the rocket clipping bug, but somehow you managed to trigger some cascade explosion that killed/suicided the boss! That was some TAS shit, nice. 19:33 was really cool even when accidental (spirit form's momentum preservation + bouyancy launch bug feature).

Yeah, tutorial needs to be longer and more in depth, and I'm even considering a hub location where player can fuck around. I will need to be careful about it though, since front loading tutorials will delay the gameplay, and putting it for later will trap players into walk-n-shoot mentality. Gimmicky maps made around a single trick would be a nice addition for sure.

Hit stop and feedback for evasion is a great idea, I'm adding that, as well as a different kick attempt animation.

>it'd be nice if I could toggle the trigger instead of hodling down the entire time!

I'll think about it, as it would free up a precious controller button (dual stick game where both are used all the time is a pain in the ass), but I had a gun respin mechanic in mind for additional utility, so I will see how it goes. Sometimes you just gotta hodl, man.

>the jump sfx has a nice bassy heft to it, and the parry/kick has a nice pneumatic feel.

That's actually funny, I generated the jump sound years ago in bfxr or whatever it was. The environmental reverb is probably doing most of the work here.

Thanks for the playthrough. You actually pulled off kicks and spirit form on the boss, so that was one of the most stylish attempts I've watched even if it ended with a clutch. I'll have to reward those more.