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(1 edit)

"Added cost scaling to all buildings"

I don't know about others, but for me it's that change to make me rage quit the game...

I played and loves a lot of idles, but when i see idle/inc w/o this i feel it far better, and when next update makes cost incremental without any reason it's makes game feel bad just as fact.

And again, I don't criticize this feature itself, just want to tell you about this effect with some peoples(at least one), when you introduce it this way...


Thanks for the feedback, that is good to know.
It's still to be balanced, with the idea being for players to rely more on the self-replication feature. Ideally, players would just tend to their base as it automatically expands, as opposed to having to build every building individually.

That being said, the cost scaling is probably over-balanced at the moment, and will be toned down in the next update.