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Thanks so much for the kind words!! :D

Yes with getting new cards I totally get what you mean, it can be a bit jarring when one pops up in the middle of the action, I might not manage it but I'm thinking of ways I can potentially tweak getting the cards to appear (maybe store them til the end of the current wave or something)

And thanks about the art and music!! Haha the cat looking one is definitely a bit cutesy but honestly I do like them that way (possibly because I've been staring at them all for two years now lol), but I do get what you mean and I was thinking I might change some dialogue in places to maybe make him feel a bit more of a competent partner at times underneath the cutesiness! (like you say, more of a proper pal!)

And good shout on the page description for sure, it's tricky trying to find the right balance between mentioning what makes the game unique vs not making it sound too complicated. Like you say when you're in the game it's mainly an arcadey shmup (just with cards and two ships at once haha) I need to find a better balance with how I pitch the game!

Thanks again for taking the time to give it a shot, really glad you liked it and thanks for the useful feedback! :)