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Thats cool, I think i will start learning Unreal it seems to be the hype of game engines for the past 2 to 4 years now after Nanite and the other stuff came out, it's moving fast perhaps i can catch up and start using it to develop who knows? I might even move my present project from Lucidity there, 
It's seems to be quite easy to learn actually.


it's not a bad engine to learn

I will also dare to say thay is easier than unity at the moment because of visual scripting 😀

Oh really? Some People said it was easier I just didn't think it had visual scripting, 
Actually, I'll go give it a try. try to get the hang of it. 

UE has had Visual scripting since 2012 with the release of UE 4 :D

That's really why the engine gain so much populairty 

Yeah, I never really paid much attention to it. Maybe I could get visual scripting added into LUCIDITY as well. 
But I was wondering between unity's new visual scripting and UE's which do you think is more capable? 

That is possible

Pretty much just C++ functions combined into small boxes in a selective interface

I will say that UE's Blueprint are far supperior to Unity's Bolt or play maker since it's much more developed

It's at a level that AAA studios sometimes code games purely in Blueprints and leave out the C++ part

That's almost impossible in Unity as the system isen't as developed

But Visual scripting in Unity is for sure good :D and easily capable of making Indie games

But Unreal is a lot better

I just started an online cause, and I have to say I agree with you it really does seam quite capable.

Stephan Ulliberry got some awesome courses as well!

I also actually got a course in the works!

Thats cool, I would love to know when it's out, thanks.