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Is there a way to lower stats? I started a NG+ and because my knowledge was 100, I can't learn any of the talk topics unless I cheat and lower my attributes to 80.

Not without cheating. We'll check what's going on with this.

Wow that truly sounds a terrible problem. Would you add a way to fix this? cause i also about to finish the whole game and begin a NG+.

Maybe let the new game keep all the learned talk topics?

This issue should be fixed with latest versions.
What's your version of the game (bottom right in the main menu)?

23.4.0f, though I guess it's because I started NG+ on an earlier version, because I just tested starting another NG+ and it let me pick topics at the birthday part. That wasn't something that happened when I originally started the NG+ so I guess I just gotta start it again to not use cheats.