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I finished it. I think the challenge level was fine for me, I don't understand tutorials well but I figured out things from the interface. As was said, using Space, optionally, for dialog would be good. I thought the gameplay was a tiny bit boring for me but it's clearly a good  game overall, let me know if there's something specific you wanted feedback on. It made me smile to see Adobe Flash in the taskbar, I used to program some Actionscript, it's been a long time.

(1 edit)

Yes, Flash lives on!
Despite finding the game a bit boring (not everything is for everyone, and the game is what it is) I would like feedback on the tutorial. You said you didn't understand it? If so, where did you got stuck? And at what point you started understanding the game?

I experimented with Keyboard controls but whenever I press a Key for Next Frame, if there are many "Next Frames", it just plays the entire timeline until you stop holding the Key down.  So, I don't know how to do that, as much as I would love to.
Edit: I just found a way to fix this! Whoo!


I opened up the game again to look, I don't think anything was wrong with the tutorial, it's just me.