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Truly bizarre and though provoking game! 

From the slight glimpse, the game seems to have a generic idea - experimental drug, playing as a character stuck in a room, nothing special you might think, but what is beyond the experiment? Questions like this elevate the quality of the game at the highest level.  

I genuinely enjoyed the game. It was not scary. It did not have cheap jump scares. The story was focused, plain and direct, but once again, I wondered a lot while going through mazes and trying to complete the levels for what? Brilliant! Great job on the game and I do wish to see more from this, maybe part 2 or an update. 

Best of luck with the future developments Specium. Cheers! 

(1 edit)

Oh wow, thank you for the video and the kind words! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I didn't have plans to expand on this title, but that could change if the demand is there for it. Thank you so much!