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Oh wow thank you so much for all the kind words and feedback! :D


1. Yes I'm definitely planning on adding couch co-op! Online might be beyond my means lol but once I've got controller support sorted I'll be adding local for sure (glad you two had a good time with it!)

2. You know I've heard this before actually, I'll probably add in the option for both mouse+spacebar to work there!

3. Totally get what you mean and it's a tricky one, I like having new cards appear quite regularly but I get what you mean that it can stop things quite abruptly when one pops up, I'll have a think! (maybe they store up and you get them at the end of each wave or something, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)


1. Thanks! I'm worried it's maybe too much info in one go but glad you found it good! Oh and it should only automatically show up on your first run, then you can just revisit it from the menu later if you want to

2. Oh man super thanks for this one! I made all the music and don't super know what I'm doing so I'm never really sure if it's any good, I just like making music haha! :D

3-6: Thanks so much!! :D

No problem. Glad to help. I'll give you a follow too. Will your game be on Steam? I can wishlist to support further.


Really appreciate it! And it will be on steam eventually but I've not gotten that far yet, thanks though :)