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We switched the game engine in v23.4.0f. Some android users having the same issue as yours reported the game didn't crash anymore.
Are you using this specific version?

I honestly don't know what version I'm using,  but I only bought the full game a week or two ago,  so I assume it's that version. 

You should be able to see the version of the app into settings/application on your phone.
About accessing the protected system folders, some users said they were able to access them by using a different file manager.

I'm on a Samsung tablet.  The version is 23.4.0d. How do I get the latest version?

Nevermind. I see once purchased you can download anytime. I'll report back.

Unfortunately,  I still get the same results. I've tried uninstalling and deleting entirely to reinstall,  but the game won't load.

That's still the infinite loop error showing up? Or is it another error?

Sorry fur the delay.  It's the same error. 

Do you think  you can take a screenshot of the infinite error loop?
It will at least give us something to start

Here you go. I did a hard reset today and downloaded the new version.  Same outcome.  Maybe I just need a newer pad. Do toy recommend one?