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How do you get arlene to help you with saving cassie

(1 edit)

Need a Riot.

Go to the Beggar spot under the Dons home, this is only after Arlene, asks you specifically for a reason to go to the Slums, then Fawn, I'm not sure if you need her or not but I always get her help anyways.

Asks for 2k Credits, ignore that, or give it for an extra step but just say No till everyone agrees to help, it should only cost you 500 Credits.

Talk to Arlene, afterwards.

Or... Just... *nyeh*

There you go.

Every time I complete the mission, the game will end with my character and Cassie leaving for the desert

(1 edit)

Ah, then you forgot to get Arlene, talk to her she is your Queen on the board against the Don.

I did


Do you guys when Escaping from the Don, go to the Torture Rack to which Arlene, appears to beat up everyone?

She should if you got her on board, unless you forgot the actual riot and you paid 2k Credits then...

Go to the Gentlemen Club, find a Hobo if you do that means the Riot hasn't started yet he just wasted your Money.