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I really liked the steampunky, cloudship setting, and the wave-based gameplay was quite fun! I did have a few pieces of feedback that I think you can easily fix, though. First off, the tool counts didn't decrease as they were used, so it was difficult to tell whether I had any left. There were also some times when they arbitrarily didn't seem to fire. Maybe a cooldown I wasn't aware of? Also, the game starts off pretty slow, so I would recommend increasing both the enemy movement speed as well as the player's bullet speeds. Lastly, while the overheat mechanic is definitely a great limiting factor, it does kind of halt the gameplay, creating times where the player just waits in horror at the approaching enemies with nothing to do. Maybe add some sort of minigame that the player can do to speed up the overheat process so that they aren't just waiting for seconds with nothing to do? Sorry for the wall of text, but there really is a lot of great potential here! Great work!


Thank you for your comment and all yours great ideas ! I didn't think about put a mecanic during overheat because I wanted player manage with their tools at the same time, but it's a cool idea to add gameplay to reduce faster overheat ! 

I note yours feedbacks down for an updated version of my game, especially for put graphics cool downs more impacting and bug (use tools had to decrease number of bar on the left bottom corner, number in the HUD indicates numbers of charged needed to launch tools) :).