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I was on the verge of a heart attack, even though I'm wired to fight in dangerous situations. Sucker got me in the back. Lucky me I got the body armor in the tunnels. The pistol works well to sic the guards for their more effective AR20.

Misc.: My character lunged forward when I was making for the body armor in the Abnormal side, making me think he was relieved to find some protection from whatever the heck THAT is.

Favorite weapon:

  • Normal - AR20. In mid-range accuracy is good enough, and aiming lets you pop shots at range, sidestepping the sniper almost.
  • Abnormal - SMG. The corruption wants to charge at you, so the SMG is the obvious choice here since they go faster than you.

Haha nice story! Aiming for around 30+ weapons in the full version, with a lot more levels and enemy types. :)