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I always really adore the most creative games at game jams, and I believe that you've just made one. The typing mini-game is such a cool and out of the box idea that it makes the game very addicting, maybe even just to see what the next word would be :D.

One thing that I'd say is that it was quite weird to let go of the mouse every reload to type the text. Maybe all the player interaction should be contained within the keyboard?


Thank you for playing and for the kind words :) it was really fun putting this together and experimenting with different letters and their attacks. I had so many more ideas that I wanted to add, like a paint brush boss that draws letters (the paint hurts you) and spawns waves of that letter enemy. But alas, no time :/

Ah yea all on the keyboard makes much more sense. It’s a little clunky changing back and forth. Thanks for the input :)