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Visually really nice to look at. Unfortunately, I lack the long-term motivation. Since there are no bots and no 4 player duel mode exisitert. I think this would be really fun on an Amiga/CD32 with a 4 player adapter.

Ahh man, thanks for the kind words on the graphics though!
yeah, there's only so much that we could do with Amos Pro...this is probably the best it's gonna get.I wish the programmer could come back to this to program bots...but that is extremely unlikely unless there's a miracle.
A cd32 option sounds fun though, I could cram a ton of maps and characters on that...the player viewports would be a little cramped though. Food for though.Thanks for downloading it though!
You can play this online via AmigaLive, in case you ever wanted to play it with a friend.

All the best!

Wayne Ashworth