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I absolutely love the theme, the visuals, and the sound effects. I do have to say the game is a little too big (I couldn’t see the full viewport on my laptop without scrolling). Making the dimensions smaller would make it more accessible.

The theme of relying on enemies to give you ammo was really unique and I enjoyed it. That being said, I had to stop once I got to the snail shell and starfish because I killed the starfish early, and the snail shell doesn’t give ammo for like a solid minute, so if you miss your shots/don’t have any ammo, you’re just stuck there for too long. I’d definitely make the snail shell shoot blue bubbles more often (maybe a faster fire rate in general since you can dodge it for a while just by standing still).

Overall awesome game. I’ll be revisiting it on my desktop to get the full experience!


Definitely good to consider smaller screens. Pressing F should fullscreen and that might help but I’ll look into that for future jams. Thanks!

Also agree the boss is a bit too easy. I didn’t want people to get frustrated if they made it there and died in the jam so it was more meant to be kind of a fun set piece but totally agree it could be harder