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The pixel art is great. It is hard to see some of the platforms. I am missing a lot of sounds so that is unfortunate (e.g. jumping, walking, dashing). The moveset is way too complicated to just slap the entire tutorial on the screen. I was also having trouble with the keys like z for dash. Maybe this isn't design for querty keyboards? The double jump forces you back and has weird momentum. The overall character felt very floaty making it hard to control. The climb is a bit buggy, after climbing I glitched into the floor and was stuck lol

I'm glad you liked the art. The remaining sounds such as the jumping and walking will be implemented in the next update this coming weekend. I do have plans on adding a more progressing tutorial in the near future. An option in the menu that will bring you to a level that gradually teaches you the mechanics, and that will likely be in the second or third update from now, being implemented with an overhauled level design. 

Originally I had dash as alt, but quickly realized that caused you to exit the window, so I chose z since it was the key closest to the shift key which is to change the speed of the character, so it seemed like a spot you'd likely have your finger on anyway. Perhaps this will be changed in the future if more people criticize it.

To my knowledge the only time the player can glitch into the ground during the wall climb animation is at the very start. Initially I made this a required jump, but after noticing this bug I made it a series of basic jumps instead. I thought I had removed that ledge as one that could be grabbed, but I may not have uploaded a new version since I did so. That is no longer an issue as of the next update.

Could you elaborate on what you mean by floaty? I intended for you to not be able to control the character midair, wanting to make the judgement of distance a part of the difficulty, is that what you mean? Or do you feel the player is too light and could use to be heavier and thus have much momentum and less airtime?

It is hard to describe, I will say I don't play that many platforms, but I feel like there is a lot of momentum and it is hard do simple moves. Hmm.... maybe like if I compare it to something like Celeste, the controls there feel a lot more snappy and responsive. Maybe experiment with the gravity and draw of the character? not sure exactly tho

Noted. I appreciate your input.