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Hi there!

First of all, I believe if you are really new to RPG Maker in general, you shouldn't be looking for plugins at all. Learn the engine first, and make a project without plugins to learn how to use the engine.

Now, this plugin does not remove any parameters from classes. It just adds new ones. And these new ones are not shown on the menu.

What can you do, with the default RPG Maker, is go into the Database/Terms and change the name of some parameters to "fake" them. Like, let's say you want to remove the Luck parameter and add a Rage parameter. Just rename Luck to Rage.

That can work for you?


That can work, I have already played with that a bit. Thanks for the advice! I have a project in mind already by having a card game I was developing and making it to an RPG with a 1:1 of basically everything. That way when the game is done itself, I can use it as a storyboard tool and as a test environment for new abilities and spells in the future, just so much to do!


Good luck with your project! :)