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that was fun. wish there was more item variety in the shop, though maybe that improves after stage 2.

adding a toggle for auto pick up for gold/potions would be nice. stopping after fighting to click each gold piece was a bit disruptive to the flow of things.

(3 edits)

> that was fun.
Glad you enjoyed it!

> wish there was more item variety in the shop, though maybe that improves after stage 2.
Vendor Shop does add new items in higher respite zones (you can read about this and other things in my last devlog)
- Respite Zone 3 onwards will start selling tier 2 Potions,  Armor, Accessories
- Respite Zone 5 onwards will start selling tier 2 Weapons and tier 3 Armor, Accessories
- Respite Zone 6 onwards will start selling tier 3 Potions
- Respite Zone 8 onwards will start selling tier 4 Armor, Accessories
But these items are just normal base items. In a future update plan to make vendor items roll [Rarity/Quality] so you can buy better stuff.

> auto loot gold & pots
That's a good idea - auto looting gold, 

but for pots how should we go about it?
- auto loot ones present on the hotbar
- auto loot ones present in the inventory
- auto loot all (seems like a bad idea to me)


Autopick up for pots in the hotbar is similar to how poe works, where combat refills flasks.

Could also explore those health/mana motes in the earlier versions of diablo 3 (they mightve changed it now)