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i feel really conflicted about this game! i found the controls and the art style honestly pretty off-putting, but it does have a really interesting atmosphere, the environmental storytelling of the various letters around the house was intriguing and i definitely felt myself wondering about what had happened in this house and what was going on.

feels like the art style is intentionally kind of jarring/mismatched and it kinda makes me nostalgic. BUT it’s so jarring that when combined with the other difficult things (like the arrow button controls and not being able to put items down) it makes the game more frustrating than the narrative is enjoyable if that makes sense.

that’s just me though i might be missing the vibe a little bit and maybe this game isn’t for me which is totally fine! either way the storytelling in here is really cool and intriguing! thanks for making this game :)


Thanks for the feedback, it's helpful.

So far of the games I've made, I think this is the only one I've edited/posted a new version of after a jam. I'm not sure I'll edit it again, but I've done work on a 3D remake of it, so I will keep your feedback in mind for that. There's not much to the 3D remake in its current state, but there wouldn't be arrows, just regular FPS controls. Graphics-wise, it was pretty much this, but in 3D. Same colors, same style but in 3D, so that part might still be jarring, not sure if I'd change it or by how much. In the released 2D game, I was going for a Sega Master System kind of palette, like the Alf game but simpler. Maybe dynamic lighting FX could offset jarriness.

I think putting down items would be easier in the 3D version. I didn't do it yet, but thinking about it in my head, I think I could do it. Item management in general could probably be better done. I'd probably have mouseover item information. And a pickup button. And probably inventory icons on a HUD. The project is kind of stalled because I'd want the 3D version to be more expansive, but I couldn't figure out how exactly, if it needed more levels or more difficulty, another villain, more story, or what.

Thanks again.