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wereslut? is that the werewolf TF or something else? 

nope you get that from the water while its contaminated. think bimbofication as for what it does.

Oooo!! Hell yeah! Any pointers on how to start the process? Specifically where is the contaminated water

just go where the demons used to be they moved to a new location in the forest, there will be a lake just press whatever your interact key is bound to and enjoy. incase you need a hint on narrowng the map down look on the right hand side of the starting field area its not very far but leave a person untransformed otherwise its game over... speaking of transformations i think something funny is going on with the potions eropixel seems its counting the transformations from them

for the everyone was transformed lose condition is this intended?

I don't understand that last part Im sorry.

About the transformation potions; are just extra content.

You should not lose if you transform all your party with potions.

The wereslut name just temporal I just added it for fun.

The food should transform you too.

using the potions on all my partymembers triggered a loss somehow... im not sure how. sorry

Maybe I just forget to change the condition , before it was  "all transformed" and now is "all wild" I will correct it for the next version.