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Genius theme. I find this game hilarious and I'm not even sure exactly why, as all the funny stuff is happening in my head rather than the game itself. This combination of mechanics creates incredible opportunities for parody or commentary, even though these are not fully tapped into. There's plenty of room here to go over the top and exaggerate the randomness even more with gambling skinner box nonsense. 

Instead the focus is on the real moment-to-moment gameplay of timing slots with tight failure states, and that's not as interesting. The rolls get really repetitive and I think that might ironically be due to the fact there is not enough gambling. The variability between a god jackpot roll and a dud is just not there.

Thanks for playing!

Fully agree on the gameplay being a dry hump, this seems to be a common concern in the comments from this Demo Day. I might revisit the slot mechanics once again to make them way more lenient