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I was under the impression dates and romance and stuff were being cut. But, if there was a way to create a singular route that maybe diverged at the end through the player making choices here or there (or even just like a "it's morning after the climax (which could be more personalized and route-y) /plot (where you just get a date or confession or whatever at the end) , who do you feel like talking to the most?") 

Admittedly though, as you said, it would be rough weaving everyone's character arcs together like that most likely in one route. I think convergence is personally good with some cutting of those group debriefs. But only you know what is going on for all the intricacies of your story and what would be best for your situation.

Ah. After a reread, it appears romance would be fused with the plot. I'd miss stuff like a date here or there, but do what you must, of course. Better to finish something than to be stressed into needing to drop it.