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  • These menus when interacting with doors or giving orders are a nightmare to use.
  • Instead of this clunky system where you have to put your cursor over something to interact with it, have the character interact with whatever is in front of him when pressing F. If something can be interacted with in multiple ways, make it so that tapping F performs the default action (like opening a door), while holding it down opens a menu.
  • Put kicking and warning suspects on their own keys. Zooming doesn't need to take up two of the most valuable keys.
  • Accidentally blew myself up with the C2. I think the charges and the clacker should be equippable like weapons instead of it being context-sensitive. 
  • Same goes for the grenades. Moving your thumb over to G while moving is really awkward, and having to use one key on your keyboard and one button on your mouse to throw a grenade feels incredible unintuitive. I know you can throw them with just G, but that just makes it feel inconsistent.
  • The camera needs to be able to move further from the player. Enemies can shoot you from off screen in some areas.
  • Got killed several times by my squadmates shooting me in the back.
  • The most reliable tactic I found was to kick doors to see where enemies were and then blowing up the door to stun them when they came to investigate. Grenades are useless most of the time since enemies are so fast. There's no penalty for killing alerted enemies or getting injured, so running and gunning seems to be the most effective way to play.

Thanks for the feedback!

I'll try to get rid of the door interaction menu entirely, good suggestion.
Hopefully the other keys will be fine once I add the option to rebind them