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A Recap Of The Last Episode...

Victory won! The forces beat the Discord soldiers at Howl's Battle, resulting in the EVIL POPE being incredibly weakened!

After the battle, POPE HAVOC returned to the ruins of the battle and knew what he had to do!

He traveled to the abandoned Griddy Monastery, in order to search for clues to find THE ANCIENT ARTIFACT that would end the EVIL POPE'S immortality and life once and for all! 

After finding a map to THE ANCIENT ARTIFACT, POPE HAVOC left the abandoned Griddy Monastery in order to continue his journey to find the ancient artifact that could end the evil pope once and for all...

Episode 2: Tombs

Pope Havoc slid down the ravine's edge, and landed on his feet in the soft sand at the bottom. He grabbed the map from the inside of his robe, and knew it was missing a Key. The Key of Ankmanrah.

After he departed the Icy Island, he traveled to Pela Nublar's desert to retrieve the Key that would aid his efforts.

Pope Havoc slowly moseyed into the Tomb of Ankmanrah. With his eyes wide open for any sort of Key.

As he went through the door, he stopped to admire the hieroglyphics on the walls and pillars. Though one caught his interest; the owl.

This was it. Pope Havoc had entered the flag room. The Key had to be here! Hadn't it?

After many minutes, he had examined every wall in the tomb, but, there was one obvious place left. 

He looked inside the hole, and lo and behold, the Key of Ankmanrah had been placed inside of it!

He knew this was too good to be true.. this WAS the key of Ankmanrah, but it had so little dust on it after all these years...

It had been tampered with. Could the Evil Pope have set him up???

Weary of what was to come, Pope Havoc slipped out of the tomb.

What shall happen next? We will see...

BLUE PEN (pls)


legendary melle 👍

Deleted 1 year ago


ehh a mentor and his disciples live in the "abandoned" monastery . . .

they hide bc ofc you don't know if someone is bad or not


ah, well, it WAS abandoned..

well yes lol

This getting more really sus.. I hope evil priest not planning sus moves..

Me neither..

:O that is sick (never did i even read a single word)


what will happen next? if yall fight discord again i guarantee you, we will destroy you XD


Speaking of discord, I got it now.

joke XD

joke XD
