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I'm interested to see the public release of the update. Sounds like there's already gonna be plenty new fun content and changes.

I hope you won't overwork yourself by working on multiple projects at once. I know it can be enticing to be efficient, but you gotta rest up once in a while too.


I've been slowly trying to figure out the best way to make my games.

Two years ago I just had Summer Sweepers for a whole year and while some developers can spend many years on a single megaproject, that sort of approach is really not for me. I was so tired of the game by the end that I started making Monster Monsoon in my spare time.

Last year I decided to work on two games in parallel, switching every month. This felt a whole lot better and kept me more motivated, but it wasn't great for my audience since many of them had one game that they liked more than the other.

This year I want to have just one exciting major project at a time. The side-projects between updates are there to give me a break from the big game, and they're also my chance to try various game concepts before I commit a lot of time to one of my ideas.

I really hope that this new schedule works, but yes it does run the risk of tiring me out more than the last ones I tried. I think I've got to go for it while I've got the health and the energy and the world isn't in any crisis that could prevent me from working. I consider myself very lucky to be able to do what I do, so I want to give it my all while I can!


I get you.

I had a whole lot more time to work on my game projects before I started to work a steady job.

Well, I wish good luck and can't wait to see what new you'll make in the future.


Thank you! I hope for good luck for you too, I always enjoy checking out your games! You never know about the future, so I'm wishing for many more productive years ahead for both of us!