This is a fun and interestingly charming game. In fact if the whole "she's a crazy homicidal Yandere killer" aspect was removed and this simply turned into a regular normal girlfriend simulator, this would be a pretty awesome game. I gotta say for my second playthrough though, the game wasn't all that hard. Of course the first playthrough I immediately got killed, because I asked, where did I know her from. She got mad and killed me. XD
However I talked about how I was a book author, told her about my book, and after getting her to give me a whole tour of the apartment, I simply got her to lead me to outside, and I simply walked out, not even needing a key. XD
Lol af! Her interest for my novel negated her interest to keep me imprisioned.
So basically the trick to beat her is to give the AI a Red Herring.
That's not bad, and I have no complaints, as this was very cute and charming. Perhaps more options for people who might want to be her boyfriend can be made, like tv watching, game playing, etc. I did find a bug where I couldn't sit on the couch, because pressing E did nothing.
All in all, a cute game. :)