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Damn, I really enjoyed this! I want to give some suggestions if you're looking to work on this past the gamejam. I'm sure these are all stuff you already had in mind but:

  • Spatial sfx for zombies so I know if one spawned behind me. Got hit from behind by 1 zombie. Luckily you added a vff and sfx for getting hit.
  • Run button
  • I'm told I unlocked the door before going through one that required the key I got for it. This would also go with showing un/locked doors in map.
  • More visuals in hallways and rooms like unique looking portraits or furniture. This would help with remembering which door in which room needed unlocking once the key is found. The visuals would help me remember a room better and the door that was locked in that room.
  • Extra effect to let player know whether the zombie is close enough to attack or not. Maybe more sprites in between the 3-5 far to close zombie sprites. Wasn't to hard to figure out how long it takes a zombie to attack once they're super close though.
I really like the fact that the mouse is used for weapons/interaction as it made me feel like my hand was the avatars' hand. Sometimes I would try to move the mouse to aim like a shooter. I wonder if there's a way to tackle this issue but I was doing it less and less as I kept playing, so it wasn't so bad. The music was pretty eerie and the more it kept replaying, the more the soft and the intense parts of the music would creep me out. I like the references to RE like the "Itchy tasty" note and the sfx are reminiscent of the old RE as well. Reached the last note! Will be following you for more cool work like this!