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Glad you’re so into it! Really makes me happy to hear. I’ll keep working hard!

I could see about whisperers doing some possession tickles.

probably unlikely to make a female wildcat anytime soon, but I can add it to the list.

no real purpose to the gallery at the moment, but that may change in the future!

The girl in the succubus tower stocks is just a set piece at the moment, no plans to make her an important npc currently!

Lol maybe can add tickling the prisoners in succubus tower. probably wouldn’t make sense for fawns club, or police station, unless you were a member of the respective places. Which could certainly happen!

For Sammy, you can actually tease her feet under the counter. Make sure you have feet and tickles kinks enabled!

Hmm, i’ll see about more clues for the fairy queen.

permanent pass is planned, but won’t be for a while! Trust me, you’re not the only one who wants one!

thank you for your answer, i truly appreciate that ^_^ also, i'm really glad you actually like some of the ideas i gave, that'd be real fun to see them in the game (when there's enough time for them) :)

as for Sammy, i'll need to check it again with both kinks enabled (because back then i had only tickles and not the feet); thanks for the hint!

and i do trust you, i'd be surprised if no one else mentioned the permanent pass to UNA before me (but just needed to be sure) :D

once again thank you for hearing me and for such a great game you're making! good luck on further work, can't wait to see what happens next ^_^