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Itch io army, Discord rebels, and Discord army.

Itch commanders:          Discord commanders:

Guest70                                 HerrBert

Fatalem                                  Aussua 

Bowboi                                   Howl

Havoc                                      Kitsune


Strength (calculated by kills):

Itch                                       Discord

218                                           451

Casualties and losses:

Itch                                         Discord

300+                                       229

Result: decisive strategical tactical victory

Yep, this is true.

w-why am i not a leader?

if you can pls edit it and make me a part of the leaders

pretty please with a chary on top


thx for recognitions

self note 

dc strength 451

dc losses 229

itch strength 220

itch losses 317

it looks like discord rekt u

Oh, I didn't die 60 times for NOTHING! It created a diversion for the front to advance via a distraction, creating a strong offense, making a good defense. 

ye ye ye

ye but compare kds u guys had too flag loop

(1 edit)

yeah, had to "fLaG lo0p" to get 60 deaths

your "kd win" is what is a called a phyrric victory.