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I think this game has potential. The player mechanics feel smooth and the inputs are very easy on mobile. I like the visual feedback you gave to the player when they got hit by an obstacle like a saw or enemy where it flashes and then returns to normal because it lets the player know how long they are invulnerable for. The only thing that wasn't the greatest was the level design. I think level 2 was probably the best design wise but there needed to be a cohesive theme for each level and it felt like there were a lot of different objects that didn't blend well with each other. I like level 2 because it has to most cohesive theme but overall the levels weren't as good as they could've been. I also noticed that the corners of blocks felt smooth? I don't know how to describe it but sometimes where there was a gap I wouldn't need to jump because I could kind of just cling onto the wall of a block and just roll over it. But overall I think the gameplay was good and I enjoyed it.