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Hi, JevJov! Thank you very much for taking the time to write me, and for such kind words. I’m really glad you enjoyed the game, its design, mechanics, and the story altogether.

Yes, it more or less shows that I put a good deal of effort to build Dave’s character, and to convey his way of facing life, his thoughts and his worries in the world that fate wanted him to live in. Narrating the existence of someone with a scientific background in such a universe is turning out to be a particularly satisfying challenge. Of course, not all players relate with Dave’s personality, but I’m surprised to an extent with the number of people who, like yourself, are enjoying having him as the main character of a Monster Girls’ game. Likewise, I’m aware that a considerable number of people prefer action instead of immersing themselves in lengthy descriptions of scenarios and thoughts. At any rate, I always consider narration to be a key aspect of games in this genre, and words like yours are probably the best praise a writer can get (especially considering that I’m not a native English speaker). So, I’m deeply grateful!

It’s also noteworthy that you pointed out the issue of background music. Indeed, that’s too often a matter taken for granted, but music is an unsuspectedly powerful tool to evoke human feelings, and in truth, it’s no easy task to choose the right music track for the right moment in a story. Observing subtle things like rhythm, accords, tonality/modality and so on really makes a difference, and having a bit of an education in music also helps a little in this regard, even when using Creative Commons pieces.

I’m guessing (correct me if I’m wrong) that the experiment you talk about refers to Fun’s last scene in Chapter 3 (which, by the way, is a relatively hidden one, only accessible if you meet certain conditions beforehand). I don’t want to do too flagrant spoilers in a public section of comments, so I’ll simply say that such “violation” in the story is an inheritance of previous games of the genre which I’m getting inspiration from, mainly, Monster Girl Quest from Toro Toro Resistance. I think I know your feeling and where it comes from; certainly, I wouldn’t like to get forced like that… but in the world Dave lives in, that’s always a very real chance, and one of Fun’s hidden points was that he would do well in assuming this sooner rather than later. Of course, Dave will do his best to avoid that ever happening again…

Overall, I’m glad your experience with my game is turning out to be so positive. Since I’m on my own in this endeavor, development is rather slow, but I’ll keep investing efforts in the same direction to write the following chapters, and of course, to bring the English language to the ones still untranslated, so that more people can enjoy this story that, before I realized, turned pretty epic. Feel free to share your thoughts on any other matter anytime, and again, thank you. Comments like yours always make my day!
