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Technically, it is a fangame! So was Undertale (hence why it has enough similarities to make a game theory about Sans being Ness)! Got a problem with that?

Really though, please get back to me if you do have one.

Welp, seeing where we are here, I guess that means technically, Advanced Education is a fangame of Sonic's Schoolhouse! Wait, no. It's a fangame of evolution itself! But evolution was a fangame of science and probability...It all wraps back around to mathematics! Maybe you were a fangame of your...mother? Nevermind actually...don't take it personally, I mean you can all be decent people. But I'm just saying, since I'm guessing you didn't want to get back to me, so don't take this as accurate assumption.

(1 edit) (-3)

OMG, stop downvoting his comment. I know, AEWVS is SO brilliant and different, but of course people realise having a math teacher, that uses notebooks, and pursues at intervals, is going to practically be a ripoff of Baldi. But you never know...

Viktor might be doing that to put Angell off guard...after she fights a metapotent entity. Hmm...wait. Come on, it's obvious that's not gonna work. I mean, Viktor of all people should know how powerful Baldi is. So fighting a supernatural entity controlled by a powerful overwatcher is definitely going to be easier than fighting a metapotent entity that is actually quite a match for her and knows quantum mechanics while Viktor doesn't really.

Okay, look. I know. This is technically a fangame. So? Why are you getting so offended? Is it because you're all insistent it's not a fangame? Technically, it is! But generally, it's not, really! I realise AEWVS is something of a bootleg, but it's a pretty good one, at that! It may not be in the running to be the most half-original thing out there, but seriously, it's brilliant!

Anyway! Don't downvote his comment!

I mean, now the "THIS IS A FANGAME!!1!!1!" is pretty much an opinion now. It started out as an fangame, but now it is very different. Aside from the fact that Viktor is like Baldi, Cleany is like Sweeping Time, and Laura basically gives you detention too.