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Hi there! First of all, amazing game. I think I messed something up in the Daddy-Sissy storyline. I got to the chastity cage scene, but maybe turned it down or something. After turning it down and coming back to the Alley, it displays the message that was displayed before the scene was available ("new scenes will be available after completing the second dungeon"). I am at the fourth dungeon now. Any way to fix this? If you'd be so kind to tell which variable governs that, I could probably edit it in the savefile.

Not sure how that happened, I've checked declining the scene and can't seem to replicate the issue. In any case, the variable you'd want to edit is called "SecondDungeonQuest", which should be number 88. It should be set to 3 to indicate the quest is complete. If that doesn't fix it, you could send me your save file and global.rpgsave file and I could take a look at what's going on there. If you want to send it privately, you could dm me on TfGamesSite or F95Zone. Also, I'm glad you're enjoying the game so much, thanks!


Thanks! For some reason that was set to 2, setting it to 3 fixed it.