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Hey - I just released Patch and added a Trailer video:

Here are the fixes/improvements for this patch.
  1. Added a settings screen.
    1. This includes alot of bugs!! Apologies but the main feature of this settings screen is so that you can DISABLE NIGHT TIME!! aka Enviro :) People have been complaining about the darkness and length of the night, so now you can disable or enable it from the first tab in the settings. The settings can be accessed from the pause (ESC) > settings menu.
    2. Please note that this is not persisted! every time you start the game, you must disable Enviro if you wanna get rid of the night time.
  2. Added a quick Help overlay - hold Z to get information on the controls + display of the default sailing screen. This will be expanded to all screens in an upcoming patch. There is one known issue with the Telescope view - you can tap the telescope button twice in order to get around it currently. :)
  3. Added Music :)
    1. With limited audio control - but it should hopefully add some more atmosphere.
  4. Alot of optimistaions. 
    1. Added some multi threading and improvements to AI line of sight, targetting, target leading and firing.
  5. Added some images and icons to the game as well as more loading screen images and information.

Thanks so much for all the feedback and comments so far. I'm super happy with the way the demo has been received. 

I really hope you enjoy the improvements of this patch :) 

- John