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Deleted 1 year ago

Uchiha, it aint your fault. although he wasnt exactly the most convincing Agent, the people are plain stupid if thhet dont see the facts. Agent dont type like that, and im not sure many peoplenon here do. also, Agent is just plain a better person than to use racial slurs and make up lies. if the people dont come to soon, it aint AAgent or yout fault, its the peple being dumb.

ye i lied when i said that was the last i was gonna say lol

Deleted 1 year ago

fr you can't verify anyone can fake eagle

welp here's the problem: you're making problem bigger and you're providing more material for arguments and accusations. by sharing the screenshot, you made the kids hate eagle even more for no reason. kids don't think rationally instantly and think emotionally first so you better be careful :/ (also, you aren't avoiding the conflict, you're going right into it and making it bigger, not just "ignoring" it)

Deleted 1 year ago

welp you're lucky this is a childish insult you got you haven't seen anything yet you'd better buckle up bc there's alot more

bowboi, this is with all due respect-

just frikin chill dude. Ur preaching about not making the situaton worse, meanwhile yoy seen to ahve no respect for Poor Uchihas emotions. so, as i siad, respectfully heck off, this aint your fight

ehh, uchicha doesn't seem to respect the aspects of the game either :/ 

second of all the moment she posted abt this it's the entire itch's fight

also trying to protect eagle from unfair punishment

But, bowboi is right, all in all.

If she thinks that is shocking, she will drop over dead at the sight of some other insults..

Also, this is ALL of our fight. We are the representatives, lol.

(1 edit)

don't worry Uchiha!! it doesn't really matter what other people say! be agent or not, you gotta learn to ignore them and just keep living your life!

btw, I'm sorry for whatever that guy was saying to ya... just ignore'im

thx :D 


Don't hurt yourself over it! I have seen many-a insult in my time, and trust me, I have seen some nasty crap.

It'll go away eventually, as long as you don't react explosively :)