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WOW, What a fantastic demo. The colours are spot on, the puzzles are great and the graphics are just NICE. The attention to detail is just fantastic. I mean look at the little purple butterflies that quietly flutter around or the dandelions  (I think) that smoothly explode as you run through them.

And with the audio track playing in the backgrund, I soon lost track of the time but I didn't mind, it was just a pleasure to play the demo and work out in what order to light the stacks.

I also found my self at one point wondering about why I couldn't zoom in and out but then I came to the conclusion that the demo is just great as it is.

I can't wait for the next few releases and I'd like to see how the DEVS work the terrain and the puzzles. Perhaps a Different audio track for each level.

Nonetheless, It is well worth downloading and having a play of the demo and don't forget to pledge your support.

Good Luck


p.s. As I write this I am watching the video and just loving that audio track.