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Thank you for checking it out!  I've gotten the sound effect feedback a few times but I am totally clueless on what it would take to do that.  

Was the unlocking part fun or more of a chore?  Also curious if you liked the permadeath.  The original gave you infinite revives but would reset your score to 0 each time.

(1 edit)

I am always motivated by achievement systems. Humans generally have an urge to complete things and achievement systems just use that fact to get them involved. And as a roguelike player I like the permadeath feature - of course!

Implementing sound effects in JavaScript is a little special, but not too complicated if you know how to do it. Just check the source-code of RunToTheStairs from its GitHub-page to see how I have done it. The sound-effects are all loaded as HTML-elements. Just look for the <audio>-tags in "index.html". Let us take the nitro-sound as an example, it is played by the following command:
It can be found in the file "player.js".

Cool, Do you make them yourself or do you look for public domain effects packs?  

Unfortunately I do not have the skill to create music and sound-effects myself. Therefore I bought this sound-effects pack from Oryx Design Lab. Fortunately I found Dekkanoid a very talented musician from Australia to create some music for me. Check out this playlist to hear how versatile this guy is!