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if u dont have a good source then dont even say anything cuz sir dumbs just as good of a source as anyone else

and hes right howl is kind of the only one who acts like that

ah, well, that's 2 confirmations. So, I guess howl is just as stupid as I thought :/

Deleted 1 year ago

and then theres also sultan and technogamerz who r just immature 9 year olds who dream of a united islamic empire thatll happen in 20 years

If that ever happens, with all the tension and war in that area, I'll be very, VERY surprised.

me too, they said ill be beheaded cus i said stuff agaisnt this stupid idea (common sense)

ill try and use my alt to immitate them and pretend like im one of them, lets see if they fall for it

lol, common sense isn't that common.

this guy is stupid as hell and actually fell for my alt


lol, that's cute.

prolly will fall faster then it took to build (lasts 10 years before falling after it took 20 years to build)

Ye, I can't imagine it lasting more than 5 with the insurgency.

