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This is one of my favorite entries, the graphics are on point, it gave me a luigi's manssion feeling, while the sounds were very serviceable, the story was also interesting without it being too intrusive, and the puzzles were really well design with the colors. 


-Having a many system right away so we are able to quit game or adjust sound and such would help a lot. 

-Sometimes the areas felt a bit too big without them having any sort of meaning, instead tigther spaces with more details could be more interesting, and giving the monster a bit more personality as well. 

-Story could be improved in the way its portrayed, maybe with some images, text and music, it would bring more impact to the moments. 

-Some more polish. 

Overall, is a great experience and very fun game. 


Thank you so much!

It's really important for us to get such feedback - regarding your points: 
We already have a version which has refurbished UI (quit game, sound adjustment), levels 1 & 2 resized and a minimap shopkeeper mechanic added :) We're definitely planning on expanding the game, right after we finish our main project.

I'm really glad you enjoyed the game! Thank you :D