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SPOILERS! After I finish talking about the individual characters I then begin to show a guide on how to get these characters through the summoning ritual!!!

Honestly it was a lil nervewracking BECAUSE OF BEPHOMET. OF ALL THE DEMONS I SUMMONED I SUMMONED THE POLAR OPPOSITE OF ME ON THE FIRST TRY. Legit I was spamming that save/load function so much it deserves a good ass medal for putting up with my romantic panic ass. But it was really fun learning through the different combinations of them! And this visual novel actually gave me motivation and inspiration to finally doodle/draw after a long ass time of being burnt out! And I'm really proud of my lil MC's for each of these demons!

Bephomet: Since he was my first experience, I absolutely have mixed feelings for him since I was just getting used to the characters and how the dialogue affects them. So he was pretty intimidating but I somehow stumbled through the interactions and got him to date me! Amazing! I love his accent and his slang, I had to pull up google for help but I found it absolutely humorous, and I like how Bephomet's literally attracted to the more feral MC which my MC wasn't at first but dude was willing to have a date so he stumbled through it, hey, fake it till you make it. Bephomet better be charmed because I feel like my MC was constantly dying of second hand embarrassment from HIMSELF HAHAHA (but also that ending??? Kill me, my legs would give out if he SAID THAT TO ME, IMAGINE THE WIMPY MC OF MINE EXPLODING ON THE SPOT).

Pióg: Absolutely had a grand time with her ngl. When I saw how rebellious she was I was like "Yes, I can appeal to that" and then I imagined a new MC where she grew up in this catholic strict household and looks very put together but secretly she is FERAL, a closet pervert, and wants to rebel and will at the first chance. So now I'm imagining how hilarious it'd be, especially with the last option I chose where MC karate chops a crate with their forehead, if I wasn't charmed by that! And I also love how MC had to hype themselves up like yes bitch! You are THE feral, MOST UNHINGED, motherfucker there is!!! ALSO THAT ENDING SCENE? PLEASE I'M CRYING OF LAUGHTER!

Shoggoth: While I absolutely adore him, from his design and personality, I adore the MC here the most! It's like the poor dude had a severe case of "No Thoughts Head Empty". Like who wouldn't be attracted to that?? And the puns! While some will roll their eyes and groan, I was absolutely delighted by them especially with how earnest MC was in delivering them and thinking they were suave (please, this is so cute, I can understand how Shoggoth could stand this absolute dork). Not gonna lie, this MC gave me some trouble to think of a design but then I thought how hilarious it'd be if an emo dude had golden retriever personality and BAM! it clicked. Wonderful because now I'm absolutely enjoying how Shoggoth is looking at MC internally going like "One more stupid thing from this dude's mouth and we are fucking them up" (both ways can go *wink wonk*) their dynamic was so cute like wtfffff, I want what they have! THAT ENDING AS WELL?? HOW SMOOTH AHAHAHA "... other things" WHAT OTHER SHOGGOTH?? WHAT OTHER THINGS???

Chuvela: I will be honest, I actually struggled to find her combination quite a lot but I was really glad when I did! Also the art for it was really yummy and I should not have been thinking about that at literally 11:50pm. But I also like how she was a Chupacabra because I genuinely thought she was a Werewolf even though I've already heard about Chupacabras before. But I also like how contradictory she is, when we think of anything resembling a wolf we often think they're outgoing and active, but I like how despite her rough appearance she's actually a huge nerd! And I love talking to her about video games even though I'm not at all that knowledgeable, it's also hilarious how quickly I thought of an MC for her and I just enjoyed the scene where we just chilling and having fun. Like out of all the monsters, I genuinely feel like Chuvela wouldn't like threaten to off us as quickly as like Bephomet and Pióg while Shoggoth is like a loose cannon. But truly did enjoy how laidback her convo was!

Wrapping that all up, character wise I gotta go down with Bephomet, but my favorite Character and MC dynamic is with Shoggoth, and the one where I enjoy the conversation the most is with Chuvela (Pióg is there for when I'm ready to bounce off my gremlin energy ehehehe~!). Genuinely had so much fun with this visual novel! I adore the humorous and quick wit of it!!


Bephomet: Goat, Chalk, Candle

Pióg: Knife, Pumpkin, Candle

Shoggoth: Quill, Blood Vial, Questionable Meat

Chuvela: Goat, Blood Vial, Knife

I'm not sure if there is a correct order or if you can do it randomly but either way these combination worked for me to summon the monsters! Hope you have fun and enjoy yourself and ALSO THANKS A LOT TO THE TEAM OF DEVELOPERS WHO WORKED HARD FOR THIS VISUAL NOVELLLL!