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hiya! i bought your other games in the sale, but figured i'd play this one first to get myself up to speed =] it's very charming!

i had a lot of trouble getting it to start [i think it and the app just don't play well together for some reason?], so i was worried at first that audio was broken since there was no music [certain endings aside], but i guess it's a stylistic choice? some of the sound effects really varied in volume though [the background ambience of birds was next to inaudible, for example] - you might want to reexamine the levels if you ever return to this

the art is absolutely beautiful, really lovely to see!

it did seem a little sluggish and slow to respond to input, but i guess that's probably some limitation of the engine

some of  the apostrophes got replaced by question marks, which was kind of distracting; i really liked that one gag with LeRose's speech though, haha! i just wish i could have seen the whole thing

also parsnip is such a blessed sweetheart. i love him

very excited to be moving on to your next titles!