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Sounds like fun! Are the mysteries "fair play" (the reader can figure them out early if they pay attention and think it through) or "investigation procedural" (the entertainment comes from following the character's struggle rather than figured out the riddle)?

(1 edit)

Oh, interesting question, and kinda tricky to answer!

You see, the stories are not that long, so it's not like it's a big mystery or anything. In some stories the mystery is more driving, in others it's more in the background.

Plus, if you know FilmCow's videos, you know that absurdist style the videos often have? The writing is quite similar in that regard, so there will be a lot of absurd elements, that also make it a bit impossible to guess what is gonna happen.

If I had to choose between the two options you describe, I think it would fall more in the latter camp, It's just a lot of fun following the characters through the strange circumstances that are thrown at them.