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+i have 30,000,000,000 spongebobs

My friends is stronger than your army by a lot. He conquered the entire galaxy with 100,000,000,000,000,000 Pikachu plushies. 

I am more powerfull than every one of you hahhahahahah

i am stronger than you, i could give you twice the arrows i have and a bow twice as strong as mine and it would still be possible for me to get a kill with the bow itself, hehe.

i will break ur spine 😀

now i need to go to sleep gn bowboi


i could beat u with crossbow bruhhhhhh

welp . . .

So i assume yall dont know the guy on tiktok who has a legitimate army of frogs

Aw hell naw, the last thing the world needs is a bunch of frogs who carry M16s
