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Wow! Ok so...let me TRY to get this straight. The devs/owners of Itch are trying to implement a rules change with vague undisclosed guidelines that if broken permanently punish those that break it by making payments a hassle? I'm not well versed in all this and might need a breakdown to help me get it...but either way this sounds bad and very suspect that they want to shadow drop this. Mmm I don't like it smells highly of the devs trying to pull something to get money more than likely...or it's an agenda driven change.


The major issue with all this is they're not telling us why and how to behave properly. So that sucks a lot.

Yeah that's the gist I got late last night I guess I should have clarified I wanted to know more about how they were going to punish offenders and why that would be bad. But that aside I know this for sure. ANYTIME a dev/owner of something tries a move like this it is NEVER for a good reason and also portends to bad times ahead. I've been working on a Visual novel idea for a time now and am working on learning Renpy but maybe I should find a similar site to this one just in case Itch start going down hill. Honestly like I said this is either for money, power or an agenda no matter what...I can sense a terrible dread storm on the horizon. Everyone tread carefully and batten down the hatches just in case! I'll be praying for all of you.