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Hey! I finally finished the game!

So, I have to say the obvious: the art was magnficient, from sprites, to backgrounds, including CGs. The voice actors were excellent (the talk Shay and Chrys have at the end of the game, under the rain... geez!).

But being more of a writer than anything else, I have to say I was blown away by the writing, as I have a better grasp at the tools used to convey the story: I thought it was a bit slow-paced at first, but oh god: this is what this game needed, and I realised that only when I was engaged later in the storyline.

I adored how Chrys's anxiety was depicted. It felt grounded and realistic. I can't go into too much detail, since it's spoilers territory, but the weight of his past experience really showed through the game and he really was a fleshed out character. Shay was a very great character too, and I love how he became more and more attractive as he became less and less perfect.

This game is about something simple: love and relationships. Simple, you said? It really explores what it means to be in a romantic relationship, and it really did it magnificently. I especially loved the final discussion between Eli and Chrys. It was a really good one, definitely my favourite scene in the whole VN, and also one of my favourites scenes of all time in all the VNs I've played. The romance scenes were also extremely cute (the first kiss... the rain scene... the final scene... aaaaah!!!!). I also loved the dynamics in the friends' group: dating sims rarely focus on how cool having friends is, so it was very refreshing.

Long story short... I loved it, and that's saying the least. It really was an AMAZING game, and I definitely think people should check it out!!

Congrats to all the team, it was really amazing! But now guys, I'd like to reach out: if someday, you consider translating the game into other languages (which would be quite a lot of work, I imagine, haha!), and consider French as an option, don't hesitate to hit me up, I'd love to help: I really think more people should play this game, it really conveys great and healthy messages on relationships. But anyway, I'm looking forward to your next game!


I am going to respond to this, but I need to time to form proper coherent thoughts aghhhhh!


Yes, I was blown away by the sheer quality of everyone's collective talents! (Ryan Hoyle's emotional lines had me clutching my pearls when I first heard them oh mann)

I want to say thank you for giving a lot of writer related feedback. It honestly means so much! Realistic betrayals of the characters was important to me and I think the reason Chrys' anxiety feels so real is become it comes from a real place- me, lol. And YES, Shay getting more attractive as he loses his perfection is the best way to put it!

Thank you for saying how much you enjoyed the Chrys and Eli talk- I honestly expected a lot of people to blow past it or not really understand it's purpose. But as a queer person who is still best friends with my ex (so much she is my maid of honor) I wanted to show that such a thing is possible, and should be encouraged imo. (Though ofc every relationship is different) (and fav scene out of all the VN's you've played...? I- don't deserve such praise tyty thank youuuuuu)

I'm so glad you enjoyed the romantic scenes, I def wanted to hit those out of the park, I wanted to melt hearts. (everything else helped so much, god the music alone).

And yes! Showing friendships/familial relationships is so important for stories, I am def not done with these characters, but I wanted them to have a real stance in the world.

So sweet of you to offer! I'd love to localize/translate this game (the beast that it is) but it will take lot's of time and effort on everyone but me (mostly the translator and programmer) it's something I want to do, but can't do this year basically. But, when I come back around to doing it I am 1000% keeping you in mind.

Again thanks for giving Tattoos and Tulips your time, your love, and your thoughts. I couldn't be more blessed to receive a comment like this, have a great...well everything! <3 Our next game will be here sooner than you think ;) so stay tuned aghhh!