- Good theme, it works and is funny.
- Lady scary, run run run, get food good and work
- Clear game design and goal.
- Easy to see what I need to do to win, and what I need to run from
- Colors are done well to make it easy to know what is what
- Once I figured out how to move it was fun to run from the scary lady
- A bee obtaining meat seems abit off, perhaps It would make more sense to have a different bug and goal, like a fruit fly and fruit, but regardless having the bee makes it easy to see so for the game's purposes it works fine.
- I never understood the breathing mechanic and was able to play and win without bothering with it
- The movement is very difficult to control. I am unable to avoid collisions and do fine tuned adjustments to collect the meat. If the deceleration rate was at least twice as fast I think it would make controlling the player feel better.
- It was unclear to me that I needed to ascend in order to move, so I was stuck on the ground until I realized I could not move around like an RC car, silly me but it is a player instinct you have to account for.
Future Additions:
- Perhaps you could work the breathing mechanic into something that is more intuitive for the player to use / be clearly integrated into the game
- Perhaps you could add some environmental hazards. like a bug zapping lamp or other things in addition to tighter player movement to make maneuvering the house more interesting.