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I can appreciate the concept for this game. I enjoy FPS games, and I can see the wall climbing mechanic add a dimension of fun to the genre.

However, this game is sorely lacking in its base functionality which unfortunately prevents it from being enjoyable as it is. I would've liked the ability to try again after a 'game over', as well as a way to try again when I fall off the map. I think it would also be nice if the enemies had some sort of indication of when they are about to attack, so that it doesn't feel like I'm dying randomly.

I do think the aesthetic is in a good direction, though there are a few inconsistencies (for example, the enemies look blurry). The thumbnail is also pretty cool. Overall, not too bad, but there's room for improvement.

i definetly agree, most of what you mentioned is fixed in a new build however i am not able to upload that build because the time ran out, i will keep your suggestions in mind, thank you